Strong Security

CSV files are securely stored in the Brewit-hosted Postgres database. Each file will be stored as a table in the database.

Import your CSV file



Choose CSV or Brewit Workbook here



Edit the table name. Default: the file name

Only letters, numbers, and underscores, must start with a letter, max length 63, all lowercase


Check Preview

Click Test Connection button to verify that Brewit can successfully connect to BigQuery. If the test fails, check the data source settings and try again.


Save the resource

Click Save button to complete the setup. Now you can start chatting with Brewit’s BI agent to analyze your data.

Data Formatting Guidelines

❌ Improper data formatting

Composite spreadsheets or irregularly formatted data may not be able to be analyzed or transformed by Brewit. Below are several common issues to avoid:

  • Multiple sections. Your spreadsheet cannot have multiple sections.
  • Multiple tables. Similar to the point above, there should not be multiple tables in your uploaded sheet.
  • Empty rows. Make sure there are no empty rows (or columns).

✅ Proper data formatting

Well-cleaned and structured data enables Brewit to perform accurate and error-free data analysis and visualization. Below are best practices to follow:

  • Column headers. Descriptive column headers must be in the first row.
  • Tabulation. Your data should be in the form of rows of records below the headers.
  • Universality. Plain, generally understandable language for column names is recommended rather than industry- or company-specific jargon.